December 9, 2009


It's been a while since I blogged here. My writing projects and travel blogs has taken much of my time. I've also been busy immersing with the rush of the social media scene here in Adelaide. It has been an exhilirating experience taking in all the vast information and exchanges on twitter. I manage two twitter accounts, @kamtiger and @leapwords, so if you're in the social media scene, look me up and I look forward to sharing and exchanging information with you.

My travels across beautiful South Australia has opened my eyes and heart in witnessing this truly magnificent, vibrant and engaging state. There is so much to do and see, and simply take in. I'm preparing a travel blog on covering the beauty and richness of South Australia. The blog will also cover family friendly spots and untap some of the hidden nooks of SA, for all to devour.

As the gracious festival of Christmas draws close, I hope you delight in this song and reflect on the good year you've had, and look forward to new beginnings and good tidings in 2010.

Till I pen again, big hugs from me in my beautiful Adelaide.

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