July 15, 2009

A day in a writer's suit

I submitted the following write-up in response to Meanjin Spike Challenge in describing one's daily routine as a writer. The Meanjin Spike Challenge was inspired by J.Robert Lennon's article in the LA Times.

Happy Reading.

A Mother’s writing log.

7am Awaken with fright as wailing toddler hovers over my buried head, warmth with four underlying blankets, shouting he can’t find his red Bakugan dragon, Drago. I murmured that I slayed the bugger last night and turned over the other side. Hit the toilet and story idea strikes me, I lean over for a nearby lipstick and scrawl some notes on sturdy scented toilet paper.

7:30am Wake older son for school and hurry him to bathroom, change, and rummage through chest to find a pair of socks that will match, finally conclude an orange and red ones will do, as his length of pants will make up for the wardrobe disaster. Toddler still screams down the hallway searching for Drago and older son ends the morning cacophony by detecting the muffled Drago under the dining table. Peace alas! A bowl of Fruit Loops entertains the boys whilst they get the morning dosage of Ben 10. I run to change and find a matching sweatshirt that will go well with today’s boot of the day.

8.30am Head to the car, with son in tow and drive like mad with enough time to wave to neighbour. At school, curse the drivers who don’t leave me enough space to park before the 'No Parking Zone' and park across school. Rush son out and tell him to sprint walk. Check school bag three times to ensure that the lunch box is intact and secured. Do I have OCD? Hmmm. Plant him with kisses and have quick chat with teacher as class students creep up to show their obsessive-filled Bakugan, oh no! it’s another Drago!

9:10am Back home to cheerful toddler and see hubby off to work. Dishes, laundry and make bed. Sit toddler with lego and playdough and head for some serious writing. Laptop on, quick glance on emails; Facebook, peer on FB chat to check any interesting friends, see a stalker and quickly leave chat room, noting hilarious attention-seeking FB status; check yahoo, gmail, hotmail, twitter and blog; finally look into writing materials with nearing competition deadlines.

11.30am Edit work and before second paragraph can take its’ flight, darling toddler sits on my lap and demands hug time. Plant him back at play spot with quick pit stop at kitchen for snack. Must resist temptation to read Facebook friend’s status flow. Must.. Hello Facebook! Oh look,17 updates. Five of them are speed dating invitations. Bugger!!

Noon Lunch and playtime. Bath toddler and sing with sea animals in tub. Facebook. Quick research on my writing subjects. Gmail chats with my sister.

3:10pm At school for pick up and sneak in the latest mummy’s gossip.

3:30pm Home sweet home with hungry boys picketing snacktime. Scribble notes on fridge, stick-on’s and when time permits, transfer ideas to laptop before the neighbour’s cat discovers a new play tool.

5pm Prepare dinner whilst making mental notes of today’s Homo sapiens observations.

6:30pm Family dinner with seated Drago near me, staring with his hooded head. Must remember to hide Drago again.

7:30pm Bath time, reading and bedtime. Goodnight my precious boys, please sleep soon as Desperate Housewives is starting soon.

9:30pm Dishes, fold laundry, read and chat with hubby before he belts an orchestra of snores.

10:30pm Silence. Should I write or contribute to the musical snores?
Lights out.

1 comment:

Namz said...

Brilliant and funny, keep at it gal :)