July 24, 2009

Flower Haven

Flowers, they are everywhere. Gracing my front yard; lining the brick layered pathway which snakes through the front lawn; at the sides of the fence, at my backyard, where I stand to gaze whilst hanging the laundry or playing a family soccer game.

Roses, in all of her might, exudes her colours. Red, white, pink, yellow; they lift up their petals, to show their purest nakedness..of beauty.

Then in a far corner, the lavenders seeks attention as they prepare to flutter their wings. Like a conductor in deep trance with his energy-driven orchestra, the lavender tilts her head sideways, then later gently springs up to reach the rainbows, bellowing above.

Shrubs of herb plants, makes a delightful home for the flight of the buzzing bumblebee, as it hovers over and draws on its nectar. More come and soon, it mimics a narrative documentary, sending out sweet nectar, enveloping the air.

Then, as a pulsating opera which tempts the hungry audience, Arum Lillies soon conceive in my Garden of Bliss. Onced shy and refusing to peel its beauty from its hidden mask, it now makes a grand entrance, hovering over the little shrubs of wild yellow spotted flowers.

I am blown away, and gaze at her gentle beauty. My Arum Lillies have arrived.


screamish said...

sounds like a gorgeous garden...you're very lucky!

Kamini Navin said...

Thank you! They are indeed gorgeous and such a therapeutic oasis.
How did the house sitting go? I just rememebered a gardening tip from a magazine. Mix half water with about 2 tablespoon of milk in a spray bottle; and spray it on all the plants, especially the leaves.
The plants will look as good as new, and they're suppose to shine apparently :D